Yesterday (10-13-09), I literally could not complete a single game of demigod due to this problem. I was able to get into a total of 4 games. In 3 of them, the connectivity screen came up and froze the game permanently for all players. In the 4th game, I was just simply booted out of my game, crash to desktop, and I'm sure my teammates saw a disconnect screen pop up while this was happening. I should also note that while my team did go on to win this game (Yay!), my game list shows this to be a loss for me (Booo):
I'm not one to whine about DG's flaws, as I really enjoy the game and appreciate the work that went into it -- but even my patience has been tested as of late. Last night was the first time that I just had to stop playing DG because of its bugs and switch to something else.