since the other thread is breaking a lot time to start a new thread to keep going.
i will start by banning everyone who bans here lol
banned for it needs to be september
So it can COOL DOWN!
banned because you need to
banned for expecting us to watch videos
banned because i cant make it any easier
it is embedded right there, it only takes a click
banned for clickity
banned with a clackety
banned for not shoeing the horse properly
banned because i actually had to log myself in again today
Banned because I didn't have to do that. I must be special.
Imagine how much better the sins servers would be if this troll thread hadn't eaten up all the bandwidth...
So....bandwidth equals server space.....mmhm
banned for not banning
Banned because they didn't ban. Holy cow, such disregard for the ancient rules of the ban game
banned for going ancient
banhammers self in shame over forgetting the ancient laws of banning....side note banned for banning
banned for using a hammer
Banned for not using nails.
Banned for missing the nail.
Banned for not missing your thumb.
I know but what the heck.
banned to heck and back
Banned to the back end of heck.
banned for going for the back end
banned because someone confusing bandwidth with server space offends the part of me that took cisco classes for two years
banned for being offended by a troll
banned for banning someone for reacting to a troll. He must not have learned. Don't be so harsh.
banned because i have and still dont know how to restrain myself
banned for being unrestrained
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