Latest Update Sunday 1pm
FORT CALHOUN, Neb. — A berm holding back floodwater at the Fort Calhoun Nuclear Station has collapsed.
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission says it's monitoring the Missouri River flooding at the plant, which has been shut down since early April for refueling.
The 2,000-foot berm collapsed about 1:30 a.m. Sunday, allowing the swollen river to surround two buildings at the plant. The NRC says those buildings are designed to handle flooding up to 1014 feet above sea level. The river is at 1006.3 feet and isn't forecast to exceed 1008 feet.
The NRC says its inspectors were at the plant when the berm failed and have confirmed that the flooding has had no impact on the reactor shutdown cooling or the spent fuel pool cooling.
NRC Chairman Gregory Jaczko will visit the plant Monday.
"Sand Bags and Nuclear Power Plant do not belong in the same sentence."
Arnold Gundersen
“Ft. Calhoun is the designated spent fuel storage facility for the entire state of Nebraska…and maybe for more than one state. Calhoun stores its spent fuel in ground-level pools which are underwater anyway – but they are open at the top. When the Missouri river pours in there, it’s going to make Fukushima look like an x-ray.”

I am way up hear in Canada and this is nowhere on the news. Is it on any american MSM?
Airspace Over Flooded Nebraska Nuclear Power Plant Still Closed
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. Fires as well?
Why is Russian news the only place I can find anything other than a fluff piece like the NY Times or Washington Post which only talk about last years non-compliance? Anyone with half a brain can see this as a potential nightmare.