*** Released 05/13/2013 ***
Switched the Treasure Map quest to use the new quest dialog correctly
Fixed an issue keeping Abeix from giving Sunderer when defeated
Fixed issue where turn limit achievement did not unlock
Fixed issue where quest complete wnd would pop out of order for completion of the master quest
Fixed some save/load crashes
Fixed an issue causing Rain Of Arrows to cause an animation hang (10 second delay)
Higher level monsters now give more xp to keep leveling from slowing down at higher levels (if you are killing higher level stuff)
Removed the defense from monks robes and increased the dodge form +5 to +10 (this is mostly to get the monks robe out of the auto upgrades since it was making units require crystal)
Shrills are now more likely to be found in mixed groups (not 3 fire shrills but 2 fire shrills and an earth shrill, etc)
Umber loses the Stealth faction trait and gains Warriors
Removed the cooldown from the Fire Shrills Embers ability
Removed the cooldown from the Water Shrills Slow ability
Removed the cooldown from the Air Shrills Static Blast ability
Reduced the damage on Static Blast slightly
Removed some unintended Soldiers Cloaks that were forcing crystal costs on some units (Pariden spearmen, etc)
More variety of tactical maps in deserts
Units don’t start so scattered on desert maps
Lowered the tax rate at the highest setting form 0.9 to 0.8
All the Armor Proficiencies for Defenders, Warriors, Commanders and Assassins are at the front of the trait tree with level prereqs on them instead of being blocked by other traits
Pariden Monk special unit loses Armor Proficiency 2 and gains Lithe
Ward of Health increased to ++7 hp (from +5 hp)
Champion's Spear is now a Common drop (instead of Uncommon)
Ruined Chain Shirt Defense increased to 5 (from 3)
Removed the wage cost form Knights of Asok, Mercenaries (gained from the camp) and Hunters
Rain of Arrows can now be used if you have allies in range (though it won't hurt your allies)
Fixed an issue causing lairs to spawn monsters every turn (which alos led to some significant late game performance issues)
Fixed an issue causing Magnar’s capital to not get any yields
Fixed an issue that allowed the AI to trigger the Guardian Statues
New final battle
Added a seperate Yithril faction for the invasion forces (and adjusted objectives to better guide the player)
Karavox won't Broken Loyalties your cities in the scenario