Lets have a bit of fun. I always get a laugh off some of these animated gifs I come across all the time. Post your best and funniest animated gifs for all to see!
Since it's game console launch week, I'll start it off.
The greatest unbeatable fighting techniques of all time
1. The Kirk Kick
2. The Kirk Drop Kick
3. The Bowling Ball
4. The Human Projectile
5. The Kirk Chop
6. The Wall of Destruction
7. The Scissor Choke
8. The Kirk Double Fist
I guess you could call us the Star Trek generation!!!
DP love those cats gifs!!
It was only a matter of time before this was turned into the strange boobie thread apparently.
I don't get it.
myfist0 wins...
Yeah, that is a good one...
why would that guy walk away from her? Crazy faces aside, that fat old dude ain't going to land anyone better.
that table is a fabulous design... love it...
HAhaha sydneysiders, the top 2 are great
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