Define believable? It's a lot more believable that every species in GalCiv would have internal divisions, cultures, sub-races than world wide generic beings.
I'd rather see this expressed in gameplay than in the lore.
Internal dissent tends to become exasperated during wartime. It happened in the United States curing the Civil War (in the North especially), it certainly happened in France in a big way during World War II.
Was there a gigantic, losing war for the fate of the entire universe in either of those? And in both cases the war was only won because the winning faction united in a show of force seldom seen; the Americans and Europeans joined the ideologically-opposed Russians to defeat the Nazi's, while the northern states rallied and federalized the army to a much greater extent.
There is only one Altarian Republic race in GalCiv III to deal with. The difference here is that how they're going to behave and how they look is going to be a bit different.
Would be cool if the ideology you chose changed the culture of the civilization in question, so that the "Altarian Resistance" turned into the "Altarian Hegemony" or something like that.
In addition, the Altarians are united. Acknowleding that the Altarian people are made up of different races and cultures doesn't automatically mean they're at war.
Good to know, thank you for the clarification. That being said, every other faction divide is violent or tumultuous.
The same is true of the Krynn who are inspired partially by the Papal States of Italy. Being very religious and running a criminal empire are not mutually exclusive. The Krynn have no civil war going on. They're on the same side.
The timeline thingy says that the Krynn alternate between "Criminal masterminds" and "Religious zealots"; this is a factional divide, even if it is subtle.
As for the humans, they absolutely have a reason to be at odds. There are those who want to gain the upper hand to get rid of the alien scum and those who support coexistence. The humans are returning with doomsday weapons. You can bet there's a conflict on how best to utilize them.
I'll have to see the campaign to judge the idea for myself.
Anyways, thanks for indulging me Brad, I'm surprised you gave me so much of you personal attention lol :3 Still love you!