I really can't be bothered with the Olympics, not since it became more about money than the competition. Far too much money is spent for the prestige of winning gold, and the lesser countries with small economies have little or no hope of competing against the wealthiest nations with $ to burn. Moreover, I don't like the fact it is so political these days, what with all the chest beating from the major nations, and various national Olympic Committee members unable to agree and coming to blows over national pride.
It's not about the sport anymore, but rather about which country can win the most gold medals to boost its national pride, and when the insane amounts of funding money could have gone to far more worthy and needy causes, I find the whole thing somewhat obscene. And when one athlete's special competition suit costs more than my entire lifetime wardrobe, it's bordering on feching criminal.
So no, I haven't watched one millisecond of the Winter Olympics. In fact, I haven't turned my TV on in a fortnight or so, other than to let my grandkids watch cartoons on the Cartoon Network, so I don't even see it on the news or in commercials... because I have zero tolerance for such things.
Cricket and Rugby League are the only sports I bother with, but not so fanatically anymore. Big money and power have infiltrated there as well, so neither are the clean, competitive sports they once were.