So everyone tell me? I want to help with developing the game and pointing out processes (we arent talking about detecting bugs here).
Why should I pay for ir as if it was a full game???
I'm sorry you guys will never have your point, the man is right, if you want people to help you at na alfa stage just throw some invites and charge a measly fee since shit, its me who is helping you.
Get that on your heads fanboys. (I love the series but im not a fanboy of any game).
You will get the full game which is priced around 50$ as soon as it is ready - so its a preorder commitment that comes with some additional benefits, that are not in the "get it cheaper" but in other categories:
The benefit to influence the development of the game by making early suggestions and giving feedback is Worth quite a bit of money for many people around here. Thats simple economics - if there is a demand there is a Price for it 
In addition, you will get the "small" things like Name in the Credits ans Star name - which are worth some extra Bucks anyway. (like lets say 5$ - 10$ )
And most important - all DLC/Expansions in the future for free - which, also it is kind of a gamble, can easily be worht additional 50$+
So yeah you pay more then "normal" but you gain more then "normal" with that.
That not everyone considers those benefits equaly "great" or "valuable" is obvious, but they are there and all in all pretty much worth it. (Given the game becomes as great as we expect it to become o.c. 
Another interesting point is, that paying upfront for an upcoming game gives the Developers a more secure Financial base to work from, which essentially can lead to more Money beeing spent on development - therefor improving the Game further than if you wouldnt hav that money and security.
So all in all, the Price is reasonable for the benefits if you do care for them but not if you dont see any value in them and only the "we do work for them" point. Which is technically true but i think most Founders dont feel like it when they do submitt bugs and feedback, so it isnt emotinally true for those. (That is kinda fanboydom i'd guess, and the deep wish to experience a great game you were "Part" of)