Steam PC Version
1. When Sabre, Hook, Cannon (one of them) played and help animation occurs trying to click 'pause'. Animation disappears and no additional card was required. It was once and I can't repeat. How I can disable this animation? And was it some sort of defect?
2. When I continue the game all my traits are empty (when I close game - have 2 of them). Need to set it again.
1. Some times I missed in deck (a little) and bank cards when I won't to. It's not right, that area for banking cards is so huge and for drawing its small (rely). I always click on points to bank cards.
2. A many animations without skipping. Take for example 'Hearts' on Windows. I can watch all animation (drawing deck, playing from hands and so on), but I can skip it by click as well. When I have some Chest and Key - its so long - drawing, flipping, banking. Why? I want to skip it.