...4 people died. Two young men, an elderly lady, and a baby. That's what matters.
5 people died... have found a other victim at a other place...
Well, the guy was not a angel and some responsability to what have happen is due to our law/jail system...
Before begin his adult life, Amrami was already taken a few time for thief, prohibited weapons and assault...
As for his adult life :
- thief : receive two year jail with suspended sentence
- rape : receive two year with 3/4 suspended sentence
- several little drugs related fact : receive 150 hours of community service... none of them made...
- 2007 : http://www.rtl.be/videos/video/375168.aspx ... find 23 illegal weapons but have no condemnation... go to jail for the drugs plantation...
Go out of jail in 2010 due to a psy report who say that he is not a danger for the society... Amrani is free with condition, one of them being the obligation to follow a psy therapie...
Last psy control have happen in October 2011 and the expert have found Amrani normal... well, Amrani have never tell the psy that he have fall back to his old hobby who is collecting war weapons... Do the psy have never thing that Amrani was not saying all the truth to him?
The day of the rampage, Amrani was invited to the police at 14h00 for a new case who was sexual related...
So, the guy have a long list of thing in his history, justice was always easy with him... no jail time for thief, no jail time for illegal weapons, 6 month for rape, and a real jail time for drugs after the third arrest but free due to a psy report who don't find him dangerous... More badly, Police have instruction of "stalking" the less is possible prisonner released with condition !!!
In Belgium, police and justice make their job but the jail are full... recently, we have hire place in some jail of Netherland !!! People who are condem to less that 2 year don't make their time... almost all these with more that 2 year are released before the end of their time... Jail are a responsability of the goverment... most of our jail are so old that people escape easily... due to lack of money invested, there is not enough room for all criminal...
Curious to know how feel today the psy who have allow the early release of Amrani by saying that he was not a danger for the society !!!
A other thing, one of his liberation condition was a fixed income... most people will thing that fixed income mean a job... but for his release, a gov unemployment benefits was good as fixed income !!!
Really people, calling what soldiers do murder, or bringing right wing vs left wing bullshit into this topic? Get your priorities straight and realize not every fucking thing that happens in this world is about your nonsensical political views.
Well, the problem is that people have difficult to grasp that human can become mad without any reason... it is more easy to use religion, politic, skin color, nationality, and other thing as reason why somebody kill other... same if it is unrelated... if somebody is responsible in these case, it is the psy who have allow the guy out of jail and our gov who free criminal to much early due to the lack of jail place...