I thought the new ST movie was right on the money, and i think that its commercial success reflects that. No ST movie has ever set the box office on fire, but the latest once came the closest.
Being (somewhat) financially successful aside, i think Abrams had to go down a different timeline, There is just far too much ST backstories and history to try an tell all new tales without tripping on the toes of previous events.
A clean slate allows huge freedom and for ST to be taken in a new direction.
You have to admit, after TNG, DS9 and VOY, the well was getting a little dry, no?
DS9 was my favorite, with TNG next. VOY had great stories, and massive potential, but i think the cast let it down. IMHO it was the most poorly cast ST franchise yet, although by an episode by episode basis, VOY probably has the top ones, it just took 3 seasons too long to develop.
It seemed like an excuse for mild porn, albeit with a slightly better storyline.
Only reason i even turned it on. No bare chested Anna Paquin and i would not have given it a second glance.
(yes, im that shallow!)